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Companies (including Invigilation Centres) can purchase IMIST course licences online for the global price of $99 USD* per licence. Alternatively, companies can purchase directly from the Invigilation Centre to which they intend to send their staff for training.

Please note: Individuals can only purchase IMIST course licences directly from an Mintra-approved Invigilation Centre.

Invigilation Centre facilitation charges may vary and will be quoted separately, however, all Invigilation Centres are required to fix the price for each IMIST course licence at $99 USD. Please contact your chosen centre who will provide you with a quote for their services.

*The prices displayed on this website are in United States Dollars - payment can only be made in this currency. The prices are exclusive of any applicable Value Added Tax, local taxes, sales or withholding tax, or any other fiscal withholding which may apply in your country of delivery. The amount payable and invoiced will always be net of any such deductions. If any type of withholding is legally required this will be calculated and added to the total value such that when it is subsequently withheld the net amount will be the amount shown as payable on the invoice .

Companies, once registered, can create and submit orders online via the website.

There are two methods of purchasing available:

1. Purchase online using a credit card

Purchasing online using a credit card allows the order process to begin immediately. There is a maximum monetary limit for credit card purchases in any one transaction, details of which will be provided prior to placing an order. Once the appropriate online payment has been validated, the company will be sent a confirmation e-mail. A tax invoice/receipt will be automatically generated and issued by e-mail.

2. Purchase online by completing a Purchase Requisition Form ('PRF')

The Client may complete and submit a PRF. This will create a pending order. Validation of the order will be subject to the Client's nominated contact in their Finance department or other appropriate budget holder authorising the order and payment of the related invoice. Once such validation has been received the order will be accepted and the Client will be sent a confirmation e-mail. An invoice will be automatically generated and issued by e-mail and will have payment terms of 30 days.

3. Purchasing offline via a separate Purchase Order

Companies may purchase IMIST licences offline by issuing a Purchase Order to Mintra detailing the number of licences that have been pre-ordered online. The information required to be shown on each Purchase Order is detailed in the purchasing section of the website. The acceptance by Mintra of such a Purchase Order does not constitute acceptance of any terms put forward by the company and Atlas terms and conditions will govern the provision of the services. Once such a Purchase Order has been received, the online order will be validated and the company will be sent a confirmation e-mail giving details of all the registration and administrative details required to activate the service and set up a company specific account. An invoice will be manually issued and will have payment terms of 30 days. If, after the submission of an online order, no Purchase Order is subsequently received within a period of sixty days, the order information will be deleted and if required a new order should be submitted.

The maximum number of licences that can be ordered in any one credit card transaction is 50.

Please ensure that your credit card authorisation limit is sufficient to cover the total value of your order.

Prior to purchasing, please ensure that you have registered your company.

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You must log-in prior to purchase.

If you have a customer account, please enter your e-mail and password below.

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If you do not yet have a customer account, please click here to register.


NOTE: Company Registration is only valid for:

1) Companies wishing to purchase licences for their staff, but have the invigilated training take place in an external Invigilation Centre.

2) Companies wishing to become an Mintra Approved Invigilation Centre. This can be used either by companies who have their own in-house training facilities, or existing Training Providers who wish to have these facilities approved for IMIST training.

INDIVIDUALS should NOT register as a company and attempt to purchase licences online. Individual licences can only be purchased through an Mintra Approved IMIST Invigilation Centre. To locate your nearest IMIST Invigilation Centre, click on the ‘Search for Centre’ button on the ‘Invigilation Centres’ page.

For the UK version of MIST online please go to www.mist-online.com

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