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Mintra will support you with any IMIST queries you might have, whether they be product information, technical or payment queries that occur when you are purchasing, administering or using IMIST.

The support services are provided under the terms and conditions of the IMIST Service Level Agreement.

We recommend that you first check our FAQs where there is a comprehensive list of answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We hope this helps and your questions are answered, however if you still have a query please contact Support.

T: +44 (0)844 247 21 21
E: support@mintra.com


Why won't IMIST run?

Please ensure that you are using a supported browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari). Also ensure that you have the latest version of Flash Player installed, this is a free download available from Adobe.

Please note: IMIST requires an internet connection throughout the whole duration of the course.

There is no sound in IMIST

Please ensure that you have headphones/speakers plugged in and turned on. You will also need to ensure that the computer you are using has a soundcard installed.

If you have checked both of the previous points, you should check that your IT Department are not blocking MP3s from the site www.imist-online.com.

Do I have to complete IMIST in one attempt?

No, you can exit IMIST at any time and the next time you log in, you will be taken to the exact point in the course where you left. The assessment will continue until you have passed the course.

Either IMIST or the browser session has crashed, what do I do?

Restart your browser, return to www.imist-online.com and ask your invigilator to assist you in logging back into IMIST. IMIST will recall where you let off and resume from this point.

I have not received any e-mail from the website

Please check your junk mail for e-mails addressed from info@mintra.com.

If you are a Key Contact, you may log in to the portal to confirm/update your e-mail address and those of your company’s administrators and/or invigilators.

If you are a registered administrator or invigilator, your Key Contact may update this information for you.

IMIST only displays 'undefined', how do I continue?

This will be caused by your anti-virus software, please ensure that you make an exception in your anti-banner section for www.imist-online.com.

IMIST has gone back to the start, what do I do?

IMIST should have recalled where you were and continued from this point. If IMIST has not resumed from this point please contact Support.

The certificate button is not showing for a candidate.

Please refresh the Invigilation page. If the problem persists please contact Support.

My invigilation code will not allow me to log candidates into IMIST.

A new invigilation code will be sent monthly; please check your e-mail account for your latest code from info@mintra.com. If the problem persists please contact Support.

How do I set up as a company?

You can Register your company by clicking on the Admin Area menu and filling out the onscreen registration form. Note that you must register your company before you can purchase any IMIST Licences.

How do I set up Administrators?

Administrators can only be added to a company by the Key Contact.
This can be done by logging in as the Key Contact (on the homepage at www.imist-online.com) and following the onscreen instructions.

How do I set up Learners?

Learners can be registered for IMIST by any registered Company Key Contact or Administrator. Once logged in, a candidate can be registered by selecting the ‘Manage Learners’ icon in the ‘Admin Area’ menu.

How do I purchase licences and administer on behalf of other companies?

A Key Contact can register more than one Company by simply filling out additional Company Registration forms. If you enter exactly the same First Name, Last Name, E-mail address and Telephone number, then the system will allocate the company registration to your current account and will be able to list all your Managed companies every time you select the ‘Admin Area’ menu.

How do I print a certificate?

The IMIST certificate should be printed by the Invigilator responsible for the candidate’s IMIST training session. The Invigilator must log-on to the IMIST portal with his/her e-mail address and password, which will then provide access to a list of current candidates, with a ‘Certificate’ link for the ones who have successfully completed the IMIST online training event. This link will display the relevant certificate for the candidate, which must then be printed on a colour printer and signed by the Invigilator.

How do I set up multiple Invigilation Centres?

Sign in as company Key Contact, click Manage Invigilation Centres and follow the onscreen instructions.

How do I set up Invigilators?

Invigilators can only be registered by the Key Contact of a registered Invigilation Centre. The Key Contact must log-in on the ‘Admin Area’ page and then select the ‘Manage Invigilators’ icon.

How do Invigilators log candidates into IMIST?

Invigilators can log candidates into IMIST at their training centre by navigating to the www.imist-online.com homepage and clicking on the ‘Course Login’ button. Then enter the candidate’s login details along with your Invigilator pass-code, which is refreshed monthly and sent to you by e-mail. As part of the Invigilation Role acceptance procedure, the Invigilator will also have set a personal password. This password, together with the Invigilator’s e-mail address can be used to log in to the Admin Area, which will then allow the Invigilator to view and print certificates for candidates who have successfully completed the IMIST course.

What are the requirements for setting up an Invigilation Centre?

The requirements for setting up an Invigilation Centre can be found at the Invigilation Centre page or can be downloaded from here.

Register your interest in becoming an Mintra-approved Invigilation Centre by clicking on the “Register” button on the “Admin Area” menu page. Following your registration, we will be in touch to send out our online application form to complete and return.

How do I purchase IMIST?

Please use the online purchase section of the website. Note: only registered companies can purchase IMIST licences. Individuals wanting to sit the IMIST course should contact their nearest Mintra-approved IMIST Invigilation Centre. Search here for one near you.

Can I purchase one licence?

Yes, one licence can be purchased via one of the Mintra-approved Invigilation Centres. Search here for one near you. Organisations can purchase one licence as long as they are a registered company and either have access to a local or preferred third party Mintra Approved IMIST Invigilation Centre, or have been registered and accepted as an IMIST Invigilation Centre themselves.

How do I purchase multiple licenses?

You can purchase multiple licences from the purchase section of the website. There are three purchase options: 1) Purchase by Credit Card, which allows for direct payment and also gives you direct access to your purchased licences. 2) Purchase by selecting and completing the ‘Purchase Requisition Form’ (PRF) option. This process will require you to identify a ‘Financial Authority’ within your company, who will need to authorise the purchase. When the purchase has been authorised, an automatic invoice will be generated and e-mailed to you, providing a 30 day payment period. As with the Credit Card option, the PRF option gives you immediate access to your purchased licences, once your Financial Authority has approved the purchase. 3) You can also purchase by using your own internal Purchase Order process. Please note that in this case must still place the order online through the ‘Purchase’ menu and by following the Purchase Order option, as this will create your order in the system. You must then follow up your order by issuing your PO to Mintra, who will upon receipt of the PO, activate your licences.

I have paid by credit card, but the licences I purchased do not appear in my Admin section.

Did you receive an e-mail invoice from the system to confirm your online payment? If so, please forward this on to Support (support@mintra.com) with any other relevant details.

My credit card payment has failed.

There may be several reasons for payments failing. These include, but are not limited to:

1. Incorrect payment details

2. Insufficient funds or attempting to purchase out with the credit limit, which in IMIST is set for $5,000

If you have difficulty processing your online credit card payment, please contact Support (support@mintra.com or by telephone +44 (0)844 247 2121)

The system is asking for a 3D secure code?

3D secure is an additional security service from your issuing bank to enhance existing online transaction security.

This process involves creating a passcode on your credit card for use at participating online retailers to verify online transactions before they are processed.

For help with this please contact your card issuer.

How do I check that a potential new employee has completed IMIST?

A certificate for IMIST is issued upon completion of IMIST; the potential employee will be able to provide a copy of this.

Can I change my booking time/date?

You will need to contact the actual Invigilation Centre to change the date or time of your scheduled appointment.

How do I know if I have already been set up for IMIST?

Your administrator should have notified you of your appointment.

What is IMIST?

International Minimum Industry Safety Training (IMIST) is a new global standard for Health and Safety (HSE) training, which will provide a comprehensive and consistent level of training across the world and enhance workforce safety and compliance.

About OPITO International

OPITO International is a unique, not-for-profit organisation, wholly owned by the Oil and Gas Industry, with the objective of improving safety and competence in the global Oil and Gas Industry.

What are OPITO Standards

The OPITO standards are a set of training and/or competence standards, produced and agreed by the offshore Oil and Gas Industry and covering a variety of offshore emergency response duties and occupational roles.

About the IMIST Standard

IMIST has been developed to provide a new global standard for HSE training. The industry looks to this to provide a comprehensive and consistent level of training, onshore and offshore, across the world, to enhance work force safety and compliance. Significant cost savings and ease of recruitment are also expected, as IMIST will reduce the need to continually repeat and duplicate training.

What is VANTAGE?

The VANTAGE training registration system is a global workforce training and competence tracking system for the Oil and Gas Industry.

How do I get a VANTAGE number?

Every person completing the IMIST Online training will be registered in the VANTAGE system within 48 hours and will automatically be assigned a unique Vantage Number. Please note that the individual will not be notified of the allocated Vantage Number, but this number can be obtained by any company that has access to the Vantage Database.

Are OPITO certificates a legal requirement to work offshore?

No, the responsibility to ensure that employees have adequate training before working offshore rests with the duty holder. However, many companies have already adopted and mandated OPITO training courses across the world to ensure consistency of training for their employees and contractors.

How do I get my Invigilation centre approved?

You must apply to Mintra to get approval for your Invigilation Centre; see the Invigilation Centre section of the website.

Where can I find an Invigilation centre to take the IMIST course?

Please use the search tool in the Invigilation Centre section of the website.

Can I take the IMIST course at home?

No, IMIST must be undertaken at an Invigilation Centre, which can be a Training Centre which has been approved by Mintra to act as an IMIST Invigilation Centre, or it can be a similarly approved Corporate Training facility operated by your employing company; search here for an Mintra Approved IMIST Invigilation Centre near you.

Can my company invigilate IMIST in-house?

Yes, please refer to the Invigilation Centre section of the website for details of how to enrol your company as an Invigilation Centre.

What languages does IMIST support?

IMIST is currently available in 5 languages; English, Brazilian Portuguese, Malay and Latin American Spanish. Please contact Mintra to discuss any particular language requirements you may have.

When will IMIST be available in my region or country?

IMIST is available now in any country and region of the world. Please contact Mintra for more information.

What is the validity of my IMIST certificate?

Your IMIST certificate is valid for four years.

Can I take an IMIST course if I have just started working in the Industry?

It is the responsibility of your employer to decide whether you have enough experience to undertake IMIST. IMIST is designed specifically for existing workers in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Do I have to do the IMIST course if I have already done the UK MIST course?

The UK MIST course is only relevant to the UK. Provided you want to work in the UK or the UK Continental Shelf, then your MIST course will be valid and you are not required to do IMIST. If you are required to work outside of the UK then you should undertake the IMIST course.

Do I have to take the UK MIST course if I have an IMIST certificate?

Your employer will decide whether your IMIST certificate will be valid in the UK. If your employer does not accept IMIST for work on the UKCS, then you will have to do the MIST course as it is specific to working offshore in the UK Continental Shelf.

When would I have to undertake a refresher course?

Your IMIST refresher course should be undertaken every four years.

Do I need to take the IMIST course if I am an experienced worker?

The IMIST Online course is specifically designed for the experienced oil and gas worker. However it is the responsibility of your employer to decide whether you should undertake the IMIST programme.

What is the role of the Key Contact?

The person that registers a company on the Company Registration page is automatically appointed as the Key Contact for that company. The Key Contact is the only person who can purchase licences for your company online. This person can also assign administrators who will be able to register learners for the IMIST course, once licences have been purchased. The Key Contact can also register learners and, in addition, can appoint an alternative Key Contact if this role needs to be assigned to a different person. If a company has also registered to become an Mintra-approved Invigilator Centre, then the Key Contact will be able to appoint suitable Invigilators.

What is the role of the Invigilator?

Invigilators can only be appointed by the Key Contact of a company registered as an Mintra-approved Invigilation Centre. The role of the Invigilator is very important in order to ensure that each IMIST candidate receives IMIST training in a supervised environment, where cheating is not possible and identification checks are made on each learner. The role of the Invigilator is governed by a set of requirements, to which each Invigilator will agree before they can carry out their duties. To view the Invigilator Requirements, click here.

What is the role of the Administrator?

The role of the Company Administrator is to be the nominated person in a company responsible for registering all staff into the IMIST programme. This must be undertaken in advance of personnel attending the Mintra Approved Invigilation Centre where they will complete the IMIST programme.

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