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Please enter your e-mail and password to login.

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If you do not yet have a customer account, please click here to register.


NOTE: Company Registration is only valid for:

1) Companies wishing to purchase licences for their staff, but have the invigilated training take place in an external Invigilation Centre.

2) Companies wishing to become an Mintra Approved Invigilation Centre. This can be used either by companies who have their own in-house training facilities, or existing Training Providers who wish to have these facilities approved for IMIST training.

INDIVIDUALS should NOT register as a company and attempt to purchase licences online. Individual licences can only be purchased through an Mintra Approved IMIST Invigilation Centre. To locate your nearest IMIST Invigilation Centre, click on the ‘Search for Centre’ button on the ‘Invigilation Centres’ page.

For the UK version of MIST online please go to www.mist-online.com

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